Acharya Prashant on Vivekachudamani: To get rid of suffering, pass through a higher suffering

2019-10-27 2

Video Information: Acharya Prashant speaking on Vivekachudamani at a ShabdYoga sesssion at Advait Bodhsthal-Greater Noida on 1st June, 2018


यावद्वा यत्किञ्चिद्विषदोषस्फूर्तिरस्ति चेद्देहे ।
कथमारोग्याय भवेत्तद्वदहन्तापि योगिनो मुक्त्यै ॥ ३०३

Translation: As long as there is even a trace of poison left in the body, how can one hope for complete recovery? Even so, the yogi cannot attain liberation as long as a trace of egoism remains.

~VivekChuramani, Verse 303

अहमोऽत्यन्तनिवृत्त्या तत्कृतनानाविकल्पसंहृत्या ।
प्रत्यक्तत्त्वविवेकादिदमहमस्मीति विन्दते तत्त्वम् ॥ ३०४

Translation: By the complete cessation of the ego-sense, gained by restraining the diverse mental waves, created by the ego itself and through the discrimination of the inmost Self, one experiences the Reality as ―I am This.

~VivekChuramani, Verse 304

तस्मादहङ्कारमिमं स्वशत्रुं भोक्तुर्गले कण्टकवत्प्रतीतम् ।
विच्छिद्य विज्ञानमहासिना स्फुटं भुङ्क्ष्वात्मसाम्राज्यसुखं यथेष्टम् ॥ ३०७

Translation: Therefore, with the great sword of Realisation, destroying this ego-sense, your enemy---which is like a thorn in the throat of a man who is eating---enjoy directly and freely the Bliss of Your own Sovereignty, the Majesty of the Self.