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U.S. State Dept. reiterates higher contribution by S. Korea for defense cost sharing

2019-10-26 51

美 국무부, "공평 분담 책임" 해야...방위비 분담금 입장 재차 확인

Our top story today, the U.S. State Department has reiterated that South Korea should contribute more to the shared defense costs,... citing remarks by President Trump.
This comes after the two sides wrapped up their second round of talks on Friday.
Yoon Jung-min starts us off.
With South Korea and the U.S. wrapping up their second round of defense cost-sharing talks in Hawaii on Friday,... the U.S. State Department has reportedly reiterated its stance that Seoul should contribute more.
In a written interview with South Korea's Yonhap News Agency,... an official from the State Department has said that U.S. President Donald Trump has been making it clear that Seoul should contribute (QUOTE) "a fair share",... adding Washington spends an immense amount on defending its allies all across the world.
The two sides have been holding talks to negotiate a new Special Measures Agreement on cost-sharing for some 30-thousand U.S. troops stationed in South Korea.
Details of the talks haven't been disclosed, but it is expected to be have been a tough negotiation as Washington has been pressuring Seoul for a sharp increase in contributions.
The U.S. has been pressuring not only South Korea but its NATO allies to increase their defense spending.
The U.S. Defense Secretary Mark Esper told reporters that there can be no free riders to their shared security,... adding that all must do their part to deter war and defend the alliance regardless of geographic location, size, or population.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has also said that other countries must share their burden for not just the security of the world, but for the security of their own countries.
Seoul's foreign ministry has been emphasizing that there should be a (QUOTE) "mutually acceptable deal",... adding it will continue its dialogue with Washington.
The two sides are expected to hold the third round of talks in Seoul next month.
Yoon Jung-min, Arirang News.

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