유엔총회 군축위원회에 '북핵 결의안' 3건 발의
Dozens of United Nations member states have submitted resolutions to the UN Disarmament Commission urging North Korea's denuclearization and for the regime to return to the negotiating table.
Voice of America reported Saturday that the South Korean government, together with 62 other member states submitted a resolution that suggests a ban on comprehensive nuclear tests, condemning North Korea's past 6 nuclear tests.
The countries also supported the peaceful method of achieving complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization through dialogue.
Last year, 66 member states submitted a similar resolution.
Some 26 other states including Canada and Spain also submitted a resolution, calling for collective action that seeks to bring about a world without nuclear weapons.
The UN Disarmament Commission will put the resolutions up for a vote next month, and those passed will be sent to the plenary meeting of the UN General Assembly in December.