Our top story today, a Japan" />
Our top story today, a Japan"/>

S. Korea pushing to hold bilateral summit with Japan next month: Report

2019-10-19 58

日신문 "한국 정부, 내달 한일 정상회담 검토"

Our top story today, a Japanese newspaper has hinted at the possibility of a South Korea-Japan summit being held on the sidelines of one of two international conferences set for next month... as tensions continue to simmer over trade and historical issues.
The Yomiuri Shimbun reported Saturday that since both President Moon Jae-in and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe are set to attend both the ASEAN and APEC summits, the South Korean government is reviewing ways to hold a bilateral summit on the sidelines of one of the events.
The paper also said South Korea is hoping to cool tensions by holding a summit before November 23rd, which is when Seoul will officially terminate their military information agreement known as GSOMIA.
However, the report said it's unclear whether Japan will agree to hold a summit.