Suicide, Homicide Rates Rise for Young People in United States

2019-10-18 14

Suicide, Homicide Rates Rise
for Young People in United States.
From 2007 to 2017, the CDC says
the suicide rate rose by 56 percent.
The agency measured those from
10 to 24 years old and based
it per 100,000 persons.
For 2014-2017 homicides among young people,
the rate increased by 18 percent.
The CDC adds that in 2017, for the age group,
suicides ranked second for causes of death.
Dr. Albert Wu of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
School of Public Health says that the
rises are a "silent epidemic.".
Suicide is an enormous problem hiding in plain sight, perhaps in part, because we are reluctant as a society to talk about it, Dr. Albert Wu, via NBC News.
An exact cause as to why
rates are increasing is unknown.
Some experts, like suicide researcher
Caroline Oppenheimer, theorize
social media could be linked.
We know both girls and boys are heavily invested in monitoring social media. They get distressed when they don’t get a lot of likes or
positive feedback, University of Pittsburgh's Caroline Oppenheimer, via NBC News.
For the time being, experts say people
should watch out for "warning signs"
in others to prevent future tragedies