Terrified woman returns home to find python in the toilet

2019-10-16 24

A woman was terrified after returning home and finding a python in the toilet.

Factory worker woman Duangta Boonmee, 36, screamed when she saw the 7ft long snake in her bathroom in Chonburi, Thailand, last Thursday (October 10).

Duangta threw a blanket over the serpent to stop it from escaping then called the emergency services for help.

Rescue workers arrived and peered behind the bathroom door before catching the python with a snake catching rod.

Duangta said she was relieved she noticed the snake before it had a chance to attack here.

She said: "I went to the bathroom to take a bath and saw the snake coiled up on the ground next to the water bucket.

"It scared of me and slithered over to the toilet. Then I can throw a cover on it to trap him before I called the rescuer team."