Stray dog comes to restaurant every day to collect leftover food for its family

2019-10-11 15

This adorable stray dog comes to a chicken restaurant everyday to collect leftovers to take back to his family.

Restaurant owner Alex Sim from Sarawak, Malaysia, said that the pooch has been appearing every day begging for food.

Alex and his staff began handing the hungry mutt, nicknamed Little White, a doggy bag with chicken and rice inside.

Footage from Tuesday (October 8) shows how the Aspin dog then holds the package in his mouth before pottering back to his pack.

Alex said: "The dog doesn't bother my customers. He understands that people might make him leave if he does that. He's smart and polite.''

Alex said that Little White waits for the customers to finish eating and then looks at them to ask for their left overs.

However, the dog has now learned that he should go straight to the cook instead of pestering diners.

Alex said that they have been feeding the dog for the last few weeks and he has become ''a regular guest'' at the restaurant.

Scavenging stray dogs and cats are commonly found in big cities of Southeast Asia. Many of them rummage through wasteland and bins for their next meal.

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