How to Post Photos to Instagram from your Computer on Google Chrome?

2019-10-10 25

How to Post Photos to Instagram from your Computer on Google Chrome?

Step 1: Open Google Chrome on your Computer.

Step 2: Go to, and then login to your account.

Step 3: Click on 'Three Dots' at the top right of your Google Chrome browser.

Step 4: Click on 'More Tools,' and then click on 'Developer Tools.'

Step 5: Click on 'Three Dots' at the top right section of 'Developer Tools,' and then click on 'Dock to right.'

Step 6: Click on 'Toggle Device Toolbar' in Developer Tools from Top Menu.

Step 7: Now, click on 'Responsive,' and then Select your Device. For Example:- Iphone 7 Plus etc.

Step 8: Now, you have mobile interface of Instagram opened, click on '+' button. A new window Pops up, Select all files.

Step 9: Select your Photo by clicking on it, and then click on 'Open' button.

Step 10: Click on 'Next' button, and then click on 'Share' button.

It's done.

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