HIV Prevention Drugs Will Be
Available in CA Without a Prescription.
CA is the first state in
the U.S. to take
such a step.
A new law will allow trained pharmacists
to provide 60-day supplies of PrEP,
the prophylaxis taken daily in order
to prevent contracting H.I.V.
Pharmacists who undergo
the training will also be permitted
to dispense the emergency drug, PEP.
All Californians deserve access to PrEP and PEP, two treatments that have transformed our fight against H.I.V. and AIDS, Gavin Newsom, CA Governor, via
'The New York Times'.
According to federal data,
nearly 40,000 new cases of H.I.V.
are reported in the U.S. each year.
Being able to go to a pharmacy is much easier than going to a primary doctor. More people who are at risk will be able to get the medication that will prevent them from becoming H.I.V. positive, Jen Kates, Kaiser Family Foundation, via
'The New York Times'.
Doctors say that getting tested
for H.I.V. before taking the drugs
is imperative in order to sustain a
patient's future treatment option.
In his most recent
State of the Union address,
President Trump committed to
halting the spread of H.I.V by 2030