Synopsis for Tetsuo Shinohara's Shadowfall (Kagefumi) from Nikkatsu International Sales (Nikkatsu Corporation / Nikkatsu K.K.): "As a thief, Shuichi Makabe sneaks into houses in the dead of night to steal money. But Shuichi is no mere burglar - he's a professional, a cut above the rest. Originally an academic star on the road to becoming a prosecutor, he turned to a life of crime when his despairing mother killed herself and his twin brother Keiji twenty years ago. Shuichi has an ex-girlfriend that he competed with his brother Keiji over, Hisako, who still waits for his return. She pleads with him to stop his thievery, but he closes his heart to her, continuing his crimes as if to take revenge on the world. It's then that his lifetime friend Inspector Yoshikawa is murdered, and Shuichi is made a suspect. He makes use of his criminal skills to search for the true culprit and clear his name, but danger approaches Hisako. Driven by their twisted love, the Kuno brothers obsessively stalk Hisako, eventually turning their madness on Shuichi. While facing the pain of having been a twin himself, Shuichi manages to protect Hisako. Later when the criminal case comes to a close, the truth behind the death of his brother Keiji also comes to light..."