Philippine lawmakers sign 'Sunfull' resolution to fight off cyberbullying

2019-10-04 17

필리핀 하원의회, 사이버폭력 추방 선플 실천 결의안 발의

Lawmakers in the Philippines have signed a pledge to combat cyberbullying... by taking a more active stance by what's called the "Sunfull" movement.
On Wednesday local time, twelve lawmakers from the Philippines' House of Representatives held a peace declaration ceremony at Congress.
By raising awareness of ill-intentioned comments, ungrounded replies that incite hate, or simply trolling other individuals on social media,... the lawmakers pledged to protect the youth against all forms of cyber harassments.
The "Sunfull" movement was launched in South Korea in 2007 inviting participants to fight cyberbullying and online hate with positive comments and replie