Top 15 New Monsters In Monster Hunter World Iceborne. SPOILERS ALERT!

2019-10-03 6

When I originally though about making this video my goal was to have a top 10 new monsters and variants video. So I grabbed my piece of paper, pen and opened my Hunter's Notes. As I went through the list I realized I had written over 20 names of monsters that I wanted to add to the video. I then decided to increase my number to top 15, just know this was a very hard decision... Goes to tell you how great of a job Capcom did with the Iceborne DLC and the new monsters. This is my personal opinion so please be nice to me in the comments section and let me know which monsters are your favorites. Hope you all enjoy the footage.

#15 Viper Tobi-Kadachi 00:00
#14 Yian Garuga 01:18
#13 Barioth 03:11
#12 Brachydios 04:23
#11 Shrieking Legiana 05:51
#10 Blackveil Vaal Hazak 07:48
#9 Glavenus 09:07
#8 Tigrex 10:37
#7 Nargacuga 11:53
#6 Velkhana 13:22
#5 Shara Ishvalda 14:28
#4 Ruiner Nergigante 15:16
#3 Ebony Odogaron 19:18
#2 Zinogre 20:29
#1 Namielle 22:51

Please note that the cutscene at 15:16 is Shara Ishvalda's final version being attacked by Ruiner Nergiganter for those who didn't know.

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