Why Morning Buteyko CP Matters Most?

2019-10-02 10

This video will be about the morning control pause and its importance within the Buteyko Breathing Method.
Why are students advised to measure the morning CP and what is the role of the morning CP?

In the original protocol written by Dr. Buteyko, the students were given 2 ways to measure their progression of CP growth. They could either choose to track their morning CP or their CP at another part of the day. If students would choose to track their CP during the day, they were advised to always measure at the time of the day.

This was quite surprising for me since as a Buteyko coach myself, I quickly found out that most students (90%) would always have their lowest CP measurement in the morning. This is due to the fact that most people breath heavier during their sleep. It is even known that the highest chance for hyperventilation attacks is while sleeping. In addition, most heart and epileptic attacks happen early in the morning when people are still sleeping. Such health problems mostly arise during early morning hours (between 4 and 7 AM). Learn more about morning CP here: https://www.normalbreathing.org/learn...

I was surprised that many studies, all in different health areas (such as asthma, COPD, Heart disease, stroke, diabetes) consistently show that this morning window is the most problematic window for their specific disease.

Therefore, it is only logical that having a strong morning CP should be the goal for all Buteyko students. Measuring morning CP would be the best measurement to reflect the body oxygenation during the last hours of sleep.

So why would Dr. Buteyko not come to this conclusion himself? Perhaps a simple reason could be that when students reach level 7, sleep would be so short (4 hours) that it would not affect CP negatively. As such, students from level 6 and up would not experience the negative effects of sleep and as such morning CP measurements would be as reliable as day CP measurements. Dr. Buteyko himself had a very high CP (between level 11 or 12 according to his Buteyko Table of Health Zones) and his students would vary between levels 1 and 10. More about correct sleeping: https://www.normalbreathing.org/learn...

Most western Buteyko practitioners focus mainly on the lower levels of health (level 1 to 3) since reaching 20 or even 30 morning CP is already a huge achievement for most people today. What people consider relatively healthy today, Buteyko himself would consider poor health.

The YouTube URL of this video is:https://youtu.be/Qz4XrIxyj2c
The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov

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