Muhammad Shaikh vs Pastor Jeffrey Wright - Discussion based on Quran & Bible.
محمد شیخ اور پادری جیفری رائٹ کے درمیان مکالمہ
Is not Mary pbuh the only parent of Jesus pbuh?
کیا مریمؑ عیسٰیؑ کی اکیلی ولدیت نہیں ہیں؟
A scholarly #interfaith discussion between Brother Muhammed Shaikh
and #Pastor Jeffrey Wright was live from #Houston #Texas.
A one of its kind discussion in terms of
1. Quality of arguments.
2. References from #Quran and #Bible.
3. Comparison between #beliefs and practices.
4. Comprehension visual aid.
5. #Urdu #subtitles.
A treasure for the #students of #comparative #religion,
a great source of learning for the #Muslims to understand the #Quran
better, and witness what the #Bible contains which is considered
by some to be the word of #God.
Verses of The Quran quoted;
Aal e Imran
When the angels said,
O’ Maryam / Mary (pbuh)
surely Allah gives you the
good news of a word from
Him, his name will be
Al-Maseeh #Essa / #Christ #Jesus (pbuh),
the son of #Maryam / #Mary (pbuh),
held in honour in this world
and in the hereafter and from
those who are close ones.
Ash Shura
For Allah is the kingdom of
the skies and the #earth.
He creates what He wills.
He grants females for whom
He wills and He grants males
for whom He wills.
Or He (grants) paired
/ coupled / jointly / joint of
males and females to them.
And He makes (male or
female) whom He wills
barren / futile / unproductive.
Surely He is Knower, Evaluator.
Aal e Imran
When the wife of
Imran said, my Lord surely
I have dedicated what is in
my belly, freed / liberated
for You. So accept from me,
surely You are the Listner,
the Knower.
When she gave birth to her
she said, my Lord surely
I gave birth to her a female.
Allah knows more with what
she gave birth. And a male
is not like a female. And
surely I have named her
Maryam / Mary (pbuh) and
surely I seek refuge for her
with You and her
offspring / progeny from the
#satan the stoned.
Al Ahzab
Call them by [the names of] their fathers;
it is more just in the sight of Allah.
But if you do not know their fathers -
then they are [still] your brothers in religion
and those entrusted to you.
And there is no blame upon you for that in
which you have erred but [only for] what
your hearts intended. And ever is Allah
Forgiving and Merciful.
Aal e Imran
Surely the example of
Essa / Jesus (pbuh) in the
nearness of Allah is like the
example of Adam.
He created him from dust
then said for him
“Be” and he was.
At Tahreem
And Maryam / Mary (pbuh)
the daughter of Imran who
fortified / guarded her
gap / private part and We
breathed into it
(i.e. gap / private part)
of Our rooh / spirit and she
was truthful with the words
of her Lord and His books
and was from the devotees.
Al Muminoon