408 Beginner West Coast Swing Dance Demonstration, Rita Stine & James R. Ingram (Oct. 2005, NE PA)

2019-09-30 10

* This 2005 video shows Rita Stine and James R. Ingram dancing a beginner demonstration of West Coast Swing, in NE Pennsylvania.
* There's nothing spectacular about this video. It's fairly amateur dancing talent, using fairly basic steps. The only thing "spectacular" for us, is that we were LUCKY enough to make it all the way through the whole dance routine -- without screwing it up :) !
* The MUSIC is 'As Long As You Belong To Me' by Holly Dunn, 110 beats/minute.
* 407 Sept. 2005 West Coast Swing Practice: https://vimeo.com/363393848
* 408 Oct. 2005 West Coast Swing Demo: https://dai.ly/x7lz37z
* 417 Nov. 2007 East & West Coast Swing Demo: https://dai.ly/x7lzdr7
* 424 Feb. 2013 Colorado Cha Cha Pattern Dance Demo: https://youtu.be/JWNkwRBXf5s
* 427 Feb. 2014 Nightclub 2-Step Demo: https://vimeo.com/363395915
* 431 Feb. 2015 Waltz Round Dance (Cued, we're 1 of 4 couples): https://youtu.be/cXiRARHWRT0
Uploaded 9/30/2019 by http://JamesIngram.net .