It's time now for an in-depth look at the market action on this Friday.
And for that, I'm joined here in the studio by Dr. Kim Seiwan, professor of economics at Ewha Womans University.
Dr. Kim, thank you for coming in today.
Thank you.
Here domestically, we've got the outbreak of African swine fever. There are more cases popping up every day. How does this effect the economy for ordinary people and do you think what the authorities are doing will be effective?
This week we saw the start of an impeachment inquiry into President Trump. What impact does this have on the American economy and the markets?
Of course there's no way this impeachment story doesn't affect the trade talks with China. They're supposed to restart their talks in a couple weeks. What do you think's going to happen?
At the UN this week, President Trump and Prime Minister Abe of Japan signed a trade deal that'll see Japan importing more American farm goods. Meat, wine, cheese and so on. What does this mean for their respective economies and the world?
Japan, under this deal, will be able to ship America more manufactured products. Japan is of course a competitor of Korea's in the American market, so it will feel some effect. When it comes to cars, what should Korea be doing to respond?
Alright, Dr. Kim. Always a pleasure to have you here in the studio.
That's where we'll have to leave it for today.
Thank you.