Strongest man in India BREAKS 17 iron rods in 15 seconds in hopes of Guinness World Record

2019-09-26 6

The sheer strength is captured Wednesday (September 25) as Manoj Chopra, purported to be the the strongest man in all of India and perhaps the entire continent of Asia, breaks 17 iron rods in only 15 seconds.

The hulking Chopra, standing at 6 feet and 5 inches tall, has earned the nickname "Hercules" for his brute force as well as "Genial Giant" for his sweet nature.

The feats of brutish brilliance on display in this video include bending a pry pin, shredding a telephone directory, breaking a baseball bat over his his head, slicing a license plate in two, blasting a hot water bag with his lungs, taking a plumbing wrench and breaking into two pieces, as well as his coup de grace and world-record attempt when he takes 17 iron rods that are 12 millimeters thicks and breaks them into two pieces in only 15 seconds.