Full version Stasi: The Untold Story of the East German Secret Police Complete

2019-09-26 16

Paperback. Pub Date: July. 2000 Pages: 478 in Publisher: Basic Books In this gripping narrative John Koehler details the widespread activities of East of Germanys Ministry for State Security.. Or the Stasi. The the Stasi. which infiltrated every walk of of East German life. suppressed political opposition. and caused the imprisonment of hundreds of thousands of citizens. proved to be one of the most powerful secret police and espionage services in the world. Koehler methodically reviews the Stasis activities within East Germany and overseas. including its programs for internal repression . international espionage. terrorism and terrorist training. art theft. and special operations in Latin America and Africa. Koehler was both Berlin bureau chief of the Associated Press during the height of the Cold War and a US Army Intelligence officer. His insiders account is based on prim...