Trump's UN speech focused less on N. Korea than last year

2019-09-25 20

U.S. President Donald Trump touched on North Korea's denuclearization during his third speech at the UN General Assembly on Tuesday.
But he put significantly less emphasis on the matter compared to previous years, raising questions on whether he has lost interest.
Our Lee Ji-won reports.
President Trump's message to North Korea at the 2019 UN General Assembly was short and simple.
"We have pursued bold diplomacy on the Korean Peninsula. I have told Kim Jong-un what I truly believe. That like Iran, his country is full of untapped potential. But that to realize its promise, North Korea must denuclearize. "
With those remarks, President Trump also said the U.S. is ready to embrace friendship with those who seek peace and respect.
He added that his country's goal is to create lasting harmony,... and then moved on to the next topic.
Now, this remarkably short message came in the middle of a speech over 36 minutes long.
He was speaking in a different context than last year, when he addressed the General Assembly just 3 months after his historic Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
So last year he devoted more time to it -- he mentioned his promise with Kim, thanked Kim for his courage, noted some achievements already made, and also warned that sanctions will remain in place. North Korea, that time, came up at the 5th minute of a 35-minute address... and took up 2 whole minutes of it.
Trump's speech was longer this year, but North Korea got only one minute.
Also, it was brought up half-way through, with one simple message -- that North Korea has to denuclearize to realize its economic potential.
Some say this might be caution on Trump's part ahead of working-level talks with the North,... but many say it could mean Trump's losing interest in the issue.
"There've been reports that North Korea isn't going to give up its nuclear weapons. And I think Trump has also realized that the issue isn't as simple as he thought it'd be. It's become harder to bring this out as a successful part of his foreign policy and so the issue has been pushed to the side. Less effort is going to go into the talks, and instead the U.S. will just try to manage the situation."
The expert added that at the upcoming working-level talks, the U.S. might discuss partially easing sanctions on the North for freezing its nuclear activities, which could be the "new method" Trump has hinted at.
But unless significant progress is made, the expert said the Trump administration is not likely to bring up its hopes for North Korea's complete denuclearization.
Lee Ji-won, Arirang News.

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