Jim Jordan Destroys Smug Democrat Witness on Russian Collusion Hoax

2019-09-24 1

Jordan Grills A Hole Through the Testimony Of Dems Constitutional ‘Expert Witness’: ‘In America, We Are Innocent Until Proven Otherwise’ - The House Judiciary Committee led by Democratic Chairman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) held a hearing Friday on “Lessons from the Mueller Report, Part III: ‘Constitutional Processes for Addressing Presidential Misconduct’.” This takes place ahead of Robert Mueller’s scheduled testimony that is set to take place July 17, but now reportedly in “flux” and may be pushed back to July 24 due to a “breakdown in negotiations”.

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) grilled Caroline Fredrickson, who is the head of the leftist “American Constitution Society”, exposing her for the fraud she is after she wrote an op-ed in The New York Times entitled: We don’t need to read the Mueller Report, in March.

Jordan began, “Before the Mueller report was made public, and actually, two days before Attorney General Barr did his first letter to tell us anything about the report, which was March 24 of this year–two days prior to that March 22, 2019, you said this, ‘The question isn’t whether members of the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to sway the 2016 elections, we already know they did.'”

He asked her point blank, “How did you know that before the report even came out?”

Fredrickson claimed, “We had seen multiple indictments, as well as prosecutions and convictions of people associated with Russia.”

Jordan shot back, “But, shouldn’t someone normally who’s heading the Constitution Society… don’t you normally wait until the investigation is over? In this great nation, people are presumed to be innocent until proven otherwise. You were already making a finding– stating a finding as the head of the Constitution Society before we even had the report by the Special Counsel’s office.”

Fredrickson responded, “There was quite a lot of evidence already in the record, and I think the Mueller report then goes further to lay out multiple instances of contacts between the Trump administration…”

The Ohio Congressman wasn’t falling for her narrative and interrupted her: “What’s interesting is you just mentioned the Mueller report. What’s interesting is that same day you said, ‘The question isn’t whether the members of the Trump campaign conspired with Russia to sway the elections, we already know they did’, even though we didn’t know that because the report wasn’t done. That same day you wrote an op-ed, you just mentioned the Mueller report, but you wrote an op-ed that same day March 22, 2019, where you said, ‘We don’t need to read the Mueller report’, and now, you’re telling us we do.”

“So before the report came out, before Bill Barr said anything, you said, ‘We already know he’s guilty, and oh, by the way, don’t read the report.’ Now, you’re telling us we should read the report?” Jordan asked of Fredrickson.

She awkwardly laughed trying to blow it off but knew she was caught as a leftist hack who was brought in as an “expert” by the Democrats.

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