Yellow Jackets Nest

2019-09-16 4

The wasp and wasp nests are a common problem throughout the summer. They are social insects that form colonies inside nests. Nests are often found in soil banks, roof spaces, and in areas within trees and walls.

The queen wasp will emerge from its hibernation around mid-April time and will search for a suitable site for her colony. The queen wasp will then build the foundations of the nest by using chewed bark and dried timber mixed with saliva. The nest at this point is no bigger than a golf ball in size and within this nest, she lays between 10 and 20 eggs. The first brood of adult workers takes over the tasks of enlarging the nest and providing food for subsequent eggs laid down by the queen. By the end of the summer, the nest can contain between 3000 and 5000 wasps and measure over 30 cm across.