EPA Announces Plan to End Animal Testing

2019-09-11 449

EPA Announces Plan
to End Animal Testing.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
recently announced their full commitment to
the elimination of testing on mammals by 2035. .
Tests are routinely carried out on animals such as mice,
dogs and rabbits in order to determine the risks that
certain products and chemicals could pose to humans.
According to EPA Administrator Andrew
Wheeler, the elimination of animal
testing is a “long-standing belief of [his].".
My older sister is a zoologist, my younger
sister is a veterinarian, so I come from this
family that cares deeply about animals and
the protection of animals, Andrew Wheeler, via NPR.
$4.25 million in grants will be provided to
five universities to help them develop alternative
methods of testing, such as computer modeling. .
In addition, Wheeler also directed the
EPA to reduce all requests and funding
of studies that involve live animals by 2025