'They'll burn in hell' - DAP leader slams slander

2019-09-11 6

Nga Kor Ming is no stranger to being accused of making racial remarks, but it appears that the latest image circulating on social media had hit his raw nerve.

In a Twitter posting this afternoon, the Perak DAP chief, who would normally dismiss such allegations as fake, went a step further.

Nga warned of divine retribution for those who created and circulated the image.

“Mereka yang buat dan sebar fitnah bakal disimpah (sic) api neraka dan dilaknati oleh Tuhan (Those who created and spread slander will be engulfed in hellfire and damned by God),” he said.

Describing the image as “disgusting”, the Teluk Intan MP said he has filed a police report regarding the matter and tagged the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission ( MCMC).

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