S. Korea reports 3 deaths from Typhoon Lingling; precipitation to continue

2019-09-08 39

정부, 태풍 피해 농가 우선지원

Typhoon Lingling dissipated over Vladivostok, Russia on Sunday morning.
In South Korea, it's left 3 people dead and more than two dozen injured,... and caused some property damage.
The government is providing help to those affected,... and flights and ferries are back to operating normally.
Our Choi Si-young has the details.
It was the fifth most powerful storm by wind speed ever to hit South Korea.
But now Typhoon Lingling, which passed over South Korea this weekend, is no longer a threat.
South Korea's Central Disaster and Safety Countermeasures Headquarters said Sunday that the storm led to three deaths and injured at least twenty-six people, but the number of injured could go up.
One hundred-and-sixty-thousand households experienced blackouts, 99 percent of which have had their power restored.
There were about thirty-six hundred cases of damage to buildings,... and vast areas of farmland were also affected.
Rice and fruit such as apples were the worst hit by wind.
More than five-hundred farm animals, such as pigs, died.
The agriculture ministry said Sunday that it would provide emergency relief funds to the affected farms before the country's Chuseok holiday starts next week.
Flights are now taking off and landing at Incheon and Jeju International Airports, and ferries to and from Jeju-do Island were set to resume this morning as well.
The weather agency said that as the typhoon clears out, the country will see some precipitation in the coming days due to the fall monsoon season,... especially on Jeju-do Island.
Choi Si-young, Arirang News.

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