Thousands try to flee hurricane-devastated Bahamas islands

2019-09-07 572

Hundreds of people fled the Bahamas island of Great Abaco by boat and plane on Friday and thousands more lined up to get on a cruise ship leaving neighbouring Grand Bahama to escape the catastrophic aftermath of Hurricane Dorian.

The most powerful hurricane on record to hit the Bahamas swept through the islands earlier this week, levelling some neighborhoods, swallowing others with storm surge, and causing what one official described as a "staggering" number of deaths.

Hundreds, if not thousands, are still missing in the country of about 400,000 people, but the official death toll stands at only 43, according to news media reports late on Friday, including the Washington Post and NBC.

Eight people were confirmed dead from the storm in Grand Bahama and 35 people in the Abocos Islands, the Post reported, citing officials in the Bahamas.

That toll is likely to soar as more bodies are discovered in the ruins and floodwaters left behind by the storm.

- (Reuters)