Enya - Aldebaran - Deireadh an Tuath (1987), Tribute to Thirteen (aka Eye Of The Devil) 1966-67

2019-09-05 22

1) "Aldebaran" from Enya's album 'The Celts.' The Celts migrated into France, especially to the northwestern portion. In the film the location is changed to Bordeaux, although customs and inhabitants seen during the course of the film are clearly intended to be Celtic. There is also an intriguing parallel to the story based on the star's mythology and astrology. Aldebaran is the brightest star in the constellation Taurus. The fiery orange-red giant is often called "the Eye of the Bull" (quite literally "bull's eye") and was also known as Cor Tauri (the Heart of the Bull) in the Middle Ages. It is usually portrayed as an archer pursuing the Pleiades, often represented as DOVES. Taurus has been the sign of wealthy landowners, barons, and community leaders.

The myth of Aldebaran is clearly played out by David Hemmings in the role of Christian de Caray. De Caray is an expert archer who hunts doves. Along with his sister Odile, a witch (played by Sharon Tate), both live on the estate of Castle Bellenac as their family has done for many centuries as guests of the de Montfaucon family. The film was based on the novel "The Day Of The Arrow" by Philip Loraine. "The Eye of Taurus" was likely changed to "Eye of the Devil." But also likely Cor Tauri means "the heart of Taurus" which refers to the heart of the Marquis, Philippe de Montfaucon (played by David Niven), his chest pierced by an arrow shot by Christian de Caray at the conclusion of the film during the agreed blood sacrifice ritual to save the failing vineyards (agreed by a secretive council of thirteen members of which Philippe is the 13th and its head). The film's original title was "13".

In this segment Philippe's wife, Catherine de Montfaucon (played by Deborah Kerr), having already discovered a poem concerning the "13 dancers" on a medieval tapestry, is becoming increasingly fearful for her husband's safety and sanity. Through a window she sees a light in what had been an unlit tower, then sees it shut off. She wanders upwards into the castle and stumbles upon a ceremony involving a slain dove. She is well-hidden in shadow and tries to make out the face of the 13th hooded figure, and for a brief glimpse believes what she has seen is the face of her husband Philippe. For me this is the core of the Aldebaran myth.

2) Deireadh an Tuath refers to past spirits and fertile soil that help ensure the future of the Celtic people, celebrated in the festival Samhain (Halloween). This is the ending of the film. Philippe de Mountfaucon and Christian de Caray are good friends who race horses together on the expansive grounds of Bellenac. When Philippe agrees only he can restore the failing crops of his community by becoming a willing sacrifice, it's left to Christian to carry out what has only been symbolic sacrifices of doves. Philippe and the 12 ride out to a forest clearing and there the Marquis nobly gives up his life to Christian's arrow. There is no malice, only love for his good friend.