Firefighters in China rescue boy who got his head trapped in garage's roller shutter

2019-09-04 201

Firefighters rescued a six-year-old boy after he got his head stuck in a roller shutter door at a garage in northern China.

The video, filmed in Harqin Zuoyi Mongol Autonomous County in Liaoning province on August 31, shows a fireman climbing a ladder that was placed under the boy to support him and using a hydraulic shear to try to expand the gap in the shutter.

Then the firemen used a pair of scissors to tear down the door and take the boy down safely.

According to reports, the boy put his head into a window on the roller shutter when a car needed to drive through the garage door.

Since the boy could not remove his head back in time, he got stuck and was lifted up by the shutter.

Fortunately, the boy was not injured seriously.