Airbnb Offers Free Housing to Hurricane Dorian Evacuees

2019-09-03 19

Airbnb Offers Free Housing
to Hurricane Dorian Evacuees.
As Hurricane Dorian approaches, Airbnb has
partnered up with a number of hosts to provide
free housing through their “Open Homes” program. .
The program was created in 2012, and allows hosts
to list their homes for free in order to assist those
affected by natural disasters, wars and other events.
When disasters strike, our response tool
is activated to create additional housing –
in or nearby the affected area...Airbnb
automatically contacts hosts in the impacted
and surrounding areas asking if they have extra
space to share with their displaced neighbors, Airbnb, via website.
Over 1,200 hosts in Florida, Georgia, North and South
Carolina, Tennessee and Alabama have agreed to
house evacuees affected by Hurricane Dorian.
The program is also open to first responders
who are traveling to the affected regions. .
This particular outcropping of their program
began on Aug. 31 and is set to last through Sept. 16.