Isabel Martinez de Peron opens daycare center in ministry 1973

2019-09-03 16

Bs. As .: Inauguration of a nursery for the children of the staff that serves in the Ministry of Culture and Education. General views of the act where the Minister of Social Welfare José Lopez Rega delivers a speech. The Minister of Culture and Education, Jorge Taiana; the provisional president of the Nation, Raúl Lastiri and Mrs. Isabel Martinez de Peron, among other authorities. Close-ups of a painting with the image of Eva Duarte de Peron "Evita". Images of Father Pablo Loiacono making a blessing in the hall. General views of the facilities with toys and cribs for the boys. Report where the journalist Edgardo Mesa comments: - "Learning to smile, with this slogan a model nursery was inaugurated on the ninth floor of the ministry. Here one of the mothers employed by the ministry, her child already has a decent and insured housing. Also Children's games occupy another of the primary places in these modern facilities where breakfast, afternoon tea and dinner await the children, all for the smile of a child.Now the Minister of Culture and Education, Jorge Taiana, is removed from the building ; Mrs. Norma Lopez Rega; Mr. Raúl Lastiri; Labor Minister Ricardo Otero. " Report to Mrs. Maria Estela Martinez de Peron, in which she is asked: -How is Lieutenant General Peron? - Madam, is this the beginning of a similar thing at the level of other ministries? - Madam, will you go to the Justicialist Congress? - Madam, regardless of the message that the country awaits with expectation and that Lieutenant General Perón will deliver on Saturday, will you do the same? (Edgardo Mesa / Magnetic)
Date: 8/15/1973
Duration: 3 minutes 19 seconds
Film code: B-06796

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