Moon Landing Hoax Apollo 16-Overhead Wire-Rig Had Blindspots

2008-11-29 5

Astronaut Trapped Against a Rock- Overhead Wire-Rigs Had Blind-spots.

The Astronauts could only move around in specific places that were covered by the overhead wire-rigging system that they were attached too. If they began to move outside of the overhead wire rigging systems reach, then it became dangerous for them to try and move around.

Astronaut Charlie gets pinned against a rock, because the overhead pull of the cable wires was on a tight angle in the location they were in, the location was not covered by the overhead rigging system properly.

Tony at Houston says at :01 "OK if you go out South ah, be a little careful on that (Overhead)cable, it a, be pulling at 90% then." Astronaut John replies at :10 "OK well I think I'll go out before ah, I'll go out South um,.......about East, South/East,........It's Also Starting To Get Tiresome."(Astronaut John says it was getting quite tiresome to be careful about where they walked too, the Astronauts had to be careful to only go where the overhead cable wire-supports reach could cover supporting them safely)

Astronaut Charlie says at :41 "Help, John I'm trapped." Astronaut John replies "What do ya need?" Astronaut Charlie replies "I'm, I'm against this rock, .....can't get up, I didn't, I didn't want ta fall down, now I've got it, yes there ya go, I'm sorry,....give me a hand."

Houston watching what happened to Astronaut Charlie and wanting to know what is happening with the overhead wire-rig machine system, says at 1:19 "Flight-Experiments.....Hell those (Overhead wire)cables the same Compression(of Air in the wire-rig machine), configuration were in now, and ah..."

This video as you hear it, is located for download at NASA site:
Apollo 16 Video Library
Station 13 at Shadow Rock
Journal Text: 168:28:11 RealVideo Clip: (2 minutes 27 seconds)
Journal Text: 168:38:41 RealVideo Clip: (2 minutes 12 seconds)


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