5 Simple Practices To Be Happier At Work

2019-09-03 9

Do you know how to keep yourself happy at work?
Shawn Anchor, the author of The Happiness Advantage, has quantified the benefits of a happy workplace.

When at work, happy people:
are more creative
behave more collaborative
bring out the best solutions
are more productive
are more social

Let’s start.
1. Make your day organized: Most of us are daily struggling with how to be organized at work. Organization is the key to happy work hours. This includes having a organized brain, workspace, day and projects. My team uses ProofHub to organize their projects, time and tasks for the day.

2. Help your colleagues in creativity: Research continues to show that altruism — helping others — actually makes us feel happier. You will always find some opportunities to lend a hand to your colleague in participating to improve their innovation or creativity. This will build a healthy work environment and promote self-satisfaction.

3. Acknowledge Progress: A simple way to track your progress is to make a checklist and tick off all the items you complete. At the end of the day, go back and look at your list and acknowledge that you made progress.

4. Avoid Negativity: Choosing to be happy at work means avoiding negative conversations, gossip and unhappy people as much as possible.

5. Build Relationships with coworkers: Your work environment will be more comfortable and fun if you’re friendly with your coworkers.