Fringe Theme on piano, played by Torley

2008-11-28 1

My obsessions tend to get the better of me. I hardly watch TV, but Fringe stands out for a couple reasons: the zany Dr. Walter Bishop and the theme music. The former has irrepressible cravings for food, the latter is undeniably catchy. Even if Olivia Dunham is meant to be the "main character", the show doesn't work without Bishop's far-flung expertise and polarized reactions. Fringe's theme is composed by the multitalented J.J. Abrams, and I listened to it so much that I was compelled to learn it on the piano and play it for you. Thanx to No1hotdogguy for helping me figure out, so I could take sheer liberties to blend it with X-Files. (Which Fringe has inevitably drawn comparisons to.) There's also some Rachmaninoff influence because I've been listening to Matt Bellamy's solos lately. The Fringe theme is quite simple and reminiscent of Philip Glass, but fits the opening titles gloriously as a lovely work! Suitably, I made the video look lo-fi, as if it was a venture into madness performed in a 1960s university lab… not unlike Walter's. Thanx to NewBlue Film Pro for the gritty retro look, and I also used a touch of iZotope Vinyl to scrunge up the audio, tho not much — I wanted the clarity of the piano tones to shine through. I filmed this performance with a refurbished Canon SD1100 IS, a fine bargain. It pays to be resourceful, especially if you're conducting experiments. ---- Distributed by Tubemogul.