PNoy must apologize, hostage victims insist

2019-09-02 1

MANILA - Filipino and Hong Kong representatives failed to reach a consensus over who should deliver an apology to victims of the 2010 Manila hostage crisis. The victims' lawyer, James Tu, and Manila City Council member Bernardito Ang held a two-hour meeting at the Hong Kong government headquarters observed by the territory's officials. The Manila City Council passed a resolution last week that Mayor and former President Joseph Estrada should visit Hong Kong to deliver the formal apology. Survivors and families of the dead, however, insist the apology should come from Philippine President Benigno Aquino III. Other topics discussed were the amount of compensation, how to punish those responsible for the botched rescue operation and how the Manila city government should better protect foreign tourists. After the meeting, Tu said both sides came closer to an agreement but a gap still exists. "Sometimes I would even describe the atmosphere in the room as very tense. Almost up to a point that each side may walk away. But eventually we put down the sentiment and continued the meeting and, in a sense, successfully finished the meeting," he said. "Both sides have put forward their new proposals. And we have a very in-depth discussion, and the gap is narrowed." ANC Dateline Philippines, November 1, 2013

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