How to write ezine solo ads!

2008-11-27 9
Ezine ads can be some of the most exciting and effective marketing on the internet. Ezine advertising has taken me with a business in the red to earning well over 6 figures in 3 months. Before you take a look at ezine marketing I suggested that you watch my videos at

I have spent a great deal of time putting together a series of 20 videos on the tips, tricks and strategies of an ezine ads. The 20 videos are all about 3 to 5 minutes in length and they teach you all the things you should know and or look out for when you are using ezine ads. These are a must video so you know what to look for. Contained in this video are things like are ezine solo ads better than group ads.

One of the things you should be aware of when looking at ezine solo ads, is that ezine marketing and ezine advertising can take you from having no traffic to way to much traffic in a hurry. This may sound like a good thing, but with overwhelming amounts of leads from your ezine marketing can create a slow down or back up in the time it takes for you to respond to people.

Ezine Advertise created this issue for me and I had to dial it back a little so I could keep my leads fresh…….
Before you move forward with purchasing any ezine ad make sure you watch these videos at so you know what to expect, how to pick the right ones, and make a ton of sales when you do ezine ads……….

PS. Here is a little hint for you, I just an ezine solo ads at for a guy who received over 93 leads and 3,500 in sales. You may want to place your ezine solo ads at imarketing monsters…….