Hi, I'm Jeanne-Michelle, just wanted to introduce myself

2008-11-26 206

Hi, My name is Jeanne-Michelle and my husband Steve and I have been living and working around the world. We have run an eco resort in the Caribbean, been divemasters in West Africa, Surfed in Australia, Opened a 14 seater Thai Restaurant in Nicaragua and Croupiered in England.

In between we have holidayed in Thailand, Panama and Costa Rica, Lived it up in Spain, South Africa and New York and now we are skiing in Scotland.

If you want to know how we can afford to live this life, I'll show you how I take 40 people a year and help them to create financial freedom.

This is not about sales... This is about creating wealth like the big guns do.

Next stop - Philippines! Tropical Sunset Beaches, great diving and magic people.