Master the Wards: Internal Medicine Handbook Review

2019-08-31 2
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included with the product.Master the Wards: Internal Medicine Handbook improves your confidence so you can survive the clerkship and ace the shelf. With this in hand, you can arrive prepared on day 1 of your medicine rotation. Written by a residency director who has been a clerkship director--and once, long ago, a med student just like you!--this handbook presents a core set of diseases and disorders from the point of view of how patients present, and teaches you how to assess patients beginning with their chief complaints. Special features help you look like a rock star and improve patient safety:Organized by chief complaintRound-Saver tips help you delivery quality careHow NOT to Kill Your Patient boxes point you to critical "don't miss" diagnoses and things to look out forThings You Will Be Asked On Rounds boxes prep you for attendings' questions