Rain to let up in central regions, downpours continues in south 082719

2019-08-27 1

Good afternoon. Those of you in southern regions will need to keep an umbrella handy. Central regions saw showers due to a weak trough of low pressure, while southern areas are being affected by an autumn monsoonal front. The further south you are, the more rainfall you will see into Wednesday.
Rain in the upper regions cleared in the morning, while the chance for more downpours will continue into Wednesday for southern coastal regions and Jeju.
A look at your temperatures for today, expect them to be a couple degrees lower than yesterday. Highs will range from 27 to 30 degrees this afternoon.
As for the outlook, wide temperature differences between lows and highs will continue, while afternoon heat will linger in Seoul and its surrounding areas for the rest of August.
That's Korea for you and here's the international weather for viewers around the world.