Moon highlights Ethiopia's support during Korean War and promise tighter alliance

2019-08-26 75

오늘 한-에티오피아 정상회담,… 아프리카 정상 첫 방한

South Korea solidified its ties with Ethiopia today.
President Moon Jae-in held a bilateral summit in Seoul this afternoon with the Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali.
Before they went in to their meeting,... President Moon highlighted Ethiopia's support for South Korea in the Korean War in the early 1950s when the Ethiopian emperor at the time sent troops to fight as part of the UN forces defending the South.
In today's meeting, the two leaders reaffirmed their support for regional peace initiatives in their respective regions.
They also have agreed on boosting bilateral cooperation on multiple fronts including investment, science and technology... as well as tackling climate change.
Abiy is the first African leader to be hosted by the Moon administration.