Hexagon Lavish® is an antiartificial scientific R&D startup based in Atlanta, Georgia that has developed informational interpretation scientific software that immediately performs detection of potential allergenic substance in food via an ImageShot™ taken directly from your very own individual smartphone camera.
This technology will be introduced to global consumer markets in the nature of a mobile application as PIR: Premier Information Retrieval. The current build has been designed for Android® smartphones. iOS version will soon follow. Anticipated release in 2020. Patience is a virtue to many.
On Saturday August 10th, 2019, the HL® Family gathered together at a Marriott Courtyard in Atlanta, Georgia as they presented the PIR: Premier Information Retrieval prototype to a prospective investor.
Hexagon Lavish® was founded by Desmond J. "DTO™" Watson in 2011 as a "basic machine learning" experiment that quickly came into its own atmosphere with the additions of Venkata R. Chaganti, PhD and Vidhya S. "Maddy" Arumalla as additional co-founders in 2015. Ever since, the startup has taken on the role as the "world's premier anti-AI influence" with the advent of informational interpretation as a stand-in for "actual artificial intelligence". The startup is billed as "practical scientific application".
Hexagon Lavish® -- http://hexagonlavish.com
Arheliean™ Media -- https://arheliean.com
This production has been brought to you courtesy of Arheliean™ Media.
Arheliean™ is the voice of Desmond J. "DTO™" Watson.
© Copyright 2011 - 2019. All content herein is the exclusive property of Hexagon Lavish® and Desmond J. "DTO™" Watson. Appearances of HL® staff members and all associated imagery are courtesy of Hexagon Lavish®. All rights reserved.