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Culture Minister Park Yang-Woo decides to reconsider setting up the training camp in Japan

2019-08-21 10

박양우, "도쿄올림픽 현지 훈련캠프 설치, 안전 고려해 재검토"

Concerns over radiation have prompted South Korea to reconsider sending its athletes to train in Japan ahead of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
Today, in parliament, Sports Minister Park Yang-woo... told the sports committee that he's reviewing those plans and that safety must not be compromised.
He also vowed to keep working with local and international sporting bodies to make sure Korean athletes and everyone else at the games next year are safe.
Yesterday, meeting with their Japanese counterparts, South Korea's Olympic committee raised concerns over the radiation from Fukushima and food from that region,... concerns the Tokyo committee dismissed.