Amazon Rainforest Ravaged by Deforestation Fires in Brazil

2019-08-20 2

Amazon Rainforest Ravaged
by Deforestation Fires in Brazil.
Massive forest fires have been burning in
the Amazon region of Brazil for over three
weeks now, with little sign of slowing down. .
According to NASA researcher Santiago Gassó,
the fires have created a layer of smoke covering
an area of about 1.2 million square miles.
They are reportedly being intentionally
set by farmers, as fire is a common
method of illegal deforestation. .
Many people are blaming Brazil's
president, Jair Bolsonaro, for encouraging
the destruction of the Amazon. .
Bolsonaro has worked to weaken
government agencies responsible
for the forest's protection since he
came to power seven months ago. .
The explosion of deforestation can be attributed both to changes in government actions...and from the rhetoric from President Bolsonaro…This has created a climate of impunity under the assumption that there will be no consequences for ignoring environmental regulations. , Philip Fearnside, Brazil's National Institute
of Amazonian Research, to 'Newsweek'.
The number of fire outbreaks in the country
has grown by 70 percent since 2018, with nearly
52 percent occurring in the Amazon biome.