The Quint: Say Cheese! Check Out This Instant Camera That Uses Lego Bricks

2019-08-19 1

Hong Kong-based self-professed “film camera magician”, Albertino presented his creation in Hong Kong. It is the world’s first ‘instant, twin lens camera made using Lego bricks’.
The camera uses Lego pieces to encapsulate two lenses, a preview screen, and the instant film cartridge, allowing the whole process of photographing to be manual, and awarding the user absolute control. The camera comes with a secret button that ejects the instant film after the picture is taken.
Albertino says that his wish was to bring the best picture quality from the old days into the modern age, and he discovered that he can also make it a fun process by using Lego bricks as the platform.

Video: Ruptly
Music: Big Bang Fuzz