On Friday afternoon, the Prime Minister launched a new mobile application at the DigiDhan Mela at Talkatora Stadium. Called BHIM, Bharat Interface for Money, it was used by Narendra Modi on-stage to carry out a transaction. It can be downloaded from Google Play on android devices.
The Prime Minister also conducted lucky draw for 'Lucky Grahak Yojana' and 'Digi Dhan Vyapar Yojana'.
Stating that BHIM will be "the world's biggest wonder", PM Modi said that soon an internet connection would not be required to use the application.
He added that technology is not a toy for the educated and the rich. It’s in fact a boon for the poor and the underprivileged.
The Indian leader also lauded the media for helping the government empower the poor with its schemes.
Video: ANI
Music: Big Bang Fuzz