한중일 3국 외교장관 회담 다음주 개최…한일 양자 회담도 조율
South Korea's foreign minister Kang Kyung-wha will be again meeting with her Japanese counterpart next week in Beijing, on the sidelines of the 9th Seoul-Beijing-Tokyo foreign affairs ministers' talks.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs ministry announced the schedule on Friday, but it did not confirm the Seoul-Tokyo bilateral talks,... simply saying those are still in the works.
This comes as South Korea and Japan are trying to lower their tones on the current dispute over trade,... stemming from Tokyo's unfair export restrictions against Seoul for "security reasons" in July.
The ministerial event is slated to take place for three days starting Tuesday, but the three-way talks are expected to be held on Wednesday morning.
The meeting first started in 2007 to boost trilateral cooperation, but it had not been held since 2016 due to scheduling reasons.