Japanese media respond to Moon's Liberation Day speech

2019-08-16 3

일본 언론 “문 대통령 연설, 대화에 방점”…아베 정부는 공식 반응 안해

Yesterday, South Korea observed National Liberation Day.
And in a speech for the occasion, President Moon, he called for dialogue with Japan to resolve the trade dispute.
No official response from Tokyo, but Japanese media are responding.
The Japan Times called Moon's tone "conciliatory," reporting that he offered to "join hands" if the Abe government chooses to engage in dialogue.
The Nihon Keizai Shimbun and Yomiuri Shimbun said... that Moon "suppressed criticism of Japan" in his speech,... and did not bring up specific issues such as Japan's wartime forced labor program and its sexual enslavement of Korean women.
The papers also quoted Moon's call for dialogue and cooperation.
However, the reports noted there is still a "deep divide" between Seoul and Tokyo over historical issues.

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