Human Mobile Stage 131E, 100th Anniversary Death of Master Chau Lung, 周龙宗师逝世壹佰周年, Lion Dance Kung Fu

2019-08-16 367

Human Mobile Stage 131E (3碟2膊醒狮表演131E). 2019 Chau Lung Annual Banquet, This year also was to memory of 100th Anniversary of the death of Master Chau Lung who died in Chinese Lunar calendar dated 7th of Seventh Month 1919. The Banquet was organized by: Chung Oi Chau Yen Yee Tong Chau Lung Annual Banquet Committee( Hong Kong). Time: 7th August 2019 (Chinese Lunar Calendar date: 7th day of Seventh Month of each year). Place: North Point, Hong Kong.

Special Quests特别嘉宾: Hong Kong Police Force Western District Community Relations Office, Neighbourhood Police Co-ordinator, Mr. Chan Chun Wah and Mr. Fung Chi Wai (香港警务处港岛西区警民关系组小区联络主任陈振华先生和冯智伟先生).

List of attendees of Overseas and China Chau Ka Schools detail please refer to Human Mobile Stage 131D, 出席晚会的海外和中国同门名单,详细单位名称请参看影片内容

(A) MC of Banquet 大会司仪:Mr. Howard Kwok Kit 郭杰先生 (本会)

Video Information 影片资料:

Beginning of Banquet 大会开始

(1) Opening Speech of Banquet, brief Biography of Master Chau Lung 致大会开词, 简介周龙宗师事:
(1.1) By Sifu Ho Wah Cheung (Vice-chairman of Banquet Committee), in white T-shirt Orange colour Trousers 由何华祥师傅致词 穿白色T-恤(本委员会副主席)。

(2) Presentation of incense sticks for Grandmaster Chau Lung Shrine向周龙宗师神位上香
(2.1) Sifu Wong Tin Hon wore white stripes T-Shirt Blue Jean ( Chairman of Banquet Committee) 黄天汉师傅,他穿白色间条T-shirt 牛仔裤 (本委员会主席)

(2.2) Sifu Lai Shek Tsui wore white colour T-Shirt ( Chau Biu Chinese Boxing Association Ltd) 黎石渠师傅,他穿蓝色T-恤(周彪国术联谊会)

(2.3) Sifu Keith Shek Ka Kit wore White T-shirt ( Chung Oi Chau Biu Martial Art Sports Association) 石家杰师傅穿白色T恤( 中外周彪国术体育会)

(3) Presentation of Wines for Grandmaster Chau Lung Shrine By Hong Kong, Overseas and China, details please refer to video.向周龙宗师神位献酒,由香港,海外及中同门代表主礼,但由于献酒同门众多,详情请参看影片

(4) Introduction of Overseas and China Chau Ka Kung Fu Schools Representatives 介绍海外及中国周家功夫学院代表。

(5) Ceremony of Grand Open of Master Chau Lung Banner by Mr. Ho Wah Cheung and Mr. Keith Shek Ka Kit 周龙宗师头牌开幕仪式:由何华祥的先生及石家杰先生主礼。

(6) Lion Dancing An Eyes dotting ceremony 醒狮簪花挂红及点睛仪式:
A. Ceremony of Horn 醒狮簪花挂红: By Mr. Kwok Ching Hung, in white T-Shirt 郭政鸿先生主礼, 案穿白色T恤
B. Ceremony of Eyes Dotting 醒狮点睛仪式:By Mr. Joel Chan, in Black Colour Shirt 陈山聪先生,穿黑色衫
Rrmark备注: They are Hong Kong and China TV And Movies Actor他们都是中港影视明星; And the members of 国际狮兄弟同学成员

(7) Lion Dancing Demonstration 醒狮表演:
The name of Ching: The cocoon was broken by a male lion and inside discovered a Kwan Dao (name was Green Dragon).


Project and Stage Design Supervisors and consultants 舞台及节目总监和顾问:

A. Mr.Kwok Ching Hung 郭政鸿先生 (Hong Kong and China TV and Movies Actor; Lee Ngau Martials Arts Association 香港和中国明星,李牛国术体育总会)
B. Mr.Tony Au Kit Yee 区结义先生 (Our Association 本会)

Lion Dancing Performers 醒狮表演队: Chung Oi Chau Ka Lion Dance Teams 中外周家醒狮表演队
Lion Head Player 醒狮头表演者: Leung Chuk Man 梁桌文
Lion Tail Player 醒狮尾表演者: Chow Kwong Tin 周广添

Kwan Dao Player 关刀表演者: Mr. Kwok Ching Hung 郭政鸿先生