New Arirang documentary presents S. Korea, Japan views on trade conflict

2019-08-14 1

위기의 한일관계 지성에게 듣는다.

Arirang TV’s special documentary in commemoration of National Liberation Day airs tomorrow morning.
The program will take a closer look at the step-by-step developments in the South Korea-Japan trade war that was first triggered by Tokyo’s export restrictions on South Korea.
The documentary will also feature analysis from the Japanese perspective with the help of Japanese experts and includes interviews with notable figures, such as former Prime Minister Hatoyama.
Arirang's Park se-kyung gives us a sneak peek.
Japan’s export restrictions on South Korea have triggered a full-blown trade war between the two countries. With the situation worsening by the day, how are conscientious Japanese experts analysing the current circumstances?
"Why do you think Japan removed Korea from it's white list? "
"In earlier years, Japan had always regared itself as a nation that was superior to south Korea and China,
and tried to distance itself form Asia while modeling itself after the West."
"What Prime Minister Abe is trying to do, is the he's attempting to transform Japan into a militaristic nation.
On the other hand, President Moon Jae-in wants to improve ties with the North.
That does not sit well with Abe, because it kills the flames of militarism which he is trying to rekindle."
Amid a diverse array of suggested solutions and remedies, there is a common consensus that the path to reconciliation should always be kept open.
"The important thing to note is that the relations between South Korea and Japan will always endure.
The Abe administration is only a temporary problem.
It is a temporary government.
The prime minister will eventually change
The people of both countries onthe other hand will always be the same."
"We must prevent the situation from worsening at all costs, in this stage.
The two governments must engage in rational and intellectual discussion, for the withdrawal of Japan's decision to remove South Korea from its whitelist."
Tune in to “Beyond Confrontation”, a special documentary that takes a deep dive into the issue from the moral perspective of Japanes experts, tomorrow at 7 am KST.
PARK SE-kyeong arirang News