Hong Kong flights resume, but protestors return to airport

2019-08-13 42

홍콩 시위대 공항 점거로 이틀째 '항공대란'…항공편 전면 취소

Protesters gathered again, at Hong Kong's main airport, causing the it to shut down for the second day in a row.
The island state has seen protests for months now that started over a now-shelved extradition bill.
It's Leader Carrie Lam is urging people to calm down, and warning violence is pushing the city onto a path of no return.
Kim Mok-yeon has the latest.
Protesters flocked to Hong Kong's international airport for the second day on Tuesday, causing it to shut down again.
Flights had resumed early Tuesday morning, but as the number of demonstrators started to swell during the afternoon hours, outbound flights were suspended again.
The protesters at the airport were angry about the use of tear gas and non-lethal ammunition against street protestors on Sunday, which apparently caused one female demonstrator a serious eye injury.
The protests started more than two months ago over a now-suspended bill that would allow China to extradite fugitives or suspects from the city.
Earlier on Tuesday, Hong Kong's chief executive Carrie Lam spoke to reporters, defending the police.
"..Policemen have to make on-the-spot judgements of how to best ensure the safety of people in that particular situation. The police have their code of practice to follow. The police have very rigid and stringent guidelines in the use of appropriate force, and those require the lowest level of force in dealing with such situations."
Lam urged the people of Hong Kong to calm down and face what's really happening in the city, expressing concerns that violence is pushing the city down a path of no return and that the city will need a long time to recover.
But when asked whether she had the authority to scrap the extradition bill without China's approval, Lam was not able to give a straight answer.
Kim Mok-yeon, Arirang news.

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