Trump Unloads On Scaramucci, Scaramucci Fires Back With A Warning To Nation

2019-08-11 106

President Trump slammed Anthony Scaramucci on Twitter.

President Trump on Saturday lashed out at former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci.
"Anthony Scaramucci, who was quickly terminated (11 days) from a position that he was totally incapable of handling, now seems to do nothing but television as the all time expert on 'President Trump,'" he wrote in a series of tweets.
"Like many other so-called television experts, he knows very little about me other than the fact that this Administration has probably done more than any other Administration in its first 2 1/2 years of existence," Trump continued. "Anthony, who would do anything to come back in, should remember the only reason he is on TV, and it's not for being the Mooch!"
The tweets come in the wake of Scaramucci's critical comments.
USA Today notes: "Scaramucci, who notably left the press office in flux after just 11 days in 2017, recently criticized his former boss during a television appearance this week after Trump visited the shooting victims of Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas."
In response to Trump's Saturday tweets, Scaramucci issued a warning on Twitter.
"For the last 3 years I have fully supported this President," Scaramucci wrote. "Recently he has said things that divide the country in a way that is unacceptable. So I didn't pass the 100% litmus test. Eventually he turns on everyone and soon it will be you and then the entire country."

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