Moment woman goes crazy over a beach pebble in China

2019-08-09 66

YANTAI, CHINA — A woman went crazy when her daughter was stopped from pocketing a souvenir stone from a beach on Changdao Island.

It's just a stone, right? Wrong!

A part of what makes Changdao Island a hot spot for Chinese vacationists is the little round pebbles that make up its beaches.

The woman unsurprisingly failed to convince staff when she screamed, "For a 20 dollar entrance fee, I should be able to take one rock!"

The Shanghaiist reported there are signs deterring people from pocketing rocks.

In October a regulation will be put in place that punishes these stone-stealers with a fine of up to $2,800.

Apparently, screaming hysterically is not the bedrock of getting your own way… who would have thought?